Upcoming Events
Community Meditation
Take your seat at Community Meditation every first and third Tuesday! Expect to receive instruction in shamatha (peaceful abiding) meditation, practice together in silence, and then engage in group discussion on a theme related to mindfulness. Suitable for beginners or experienced meditators.
Yoga Basics: Core Strength and Stability
Join Erica for Yoga Basics: A Six-Week Journey to Build Your Foundation!
In a fun, supportive environment, we’ll break down key asanas (poses) to deepen your understanding of alignment, modifications, and safe form. This series is progressive, designed to build skills and confidence week by week, but each class is also a standalone session. Your core is an important foundation of your practice. Gain insights into how core engagement supports every pose, from transitions to stillness.
Tarot Readings at Reverie Coffee House
Drop by Reverie Coffee House in Brunswick for a donation-based tarot reading with Maya!
Yoga Flow: Brahmacharya
Join Maya Rook for an open-level Yoga Flow every Saturday morning!
Deep Winter Rest: Cultivate Coziness and Warmth
Embrace the peace and quietude of winter with this Restorative Yoga and Yoga Nidra (yogic sleep meditation) series curated to be in harmony with the season. Let’s slow down, soften, and invite the body to relax and rest deeply.
Restorative Yoga & Sound Bath
Join us for a Restorative Yoga & Sound Bath session every fourth Tuesday. Maya will lead participants through restorative yoga poses and a yoga nidra (yogic sleep) meditation while Void offers sound through the frequencies of singing bowls, vocals, and more.
Yoga Basics: Opening Up to Backbends
Join Erica for Yoga Basics: A Six-Week Journey to Build Your Foundation!
In a fun, supportive environment, we’ll break down key asanas (poses) to deepen your understanding of alignment, modifications, and safe form. This series is progressive, designed to build skills and confidence week by week, but each class is also a standalone session. This week, we’ll focus on safe spinal movement and heart-opening techniques. Whether you’re easing into these poses or deepening them, there’s something here for everyone.
Tarot Readings at Reverie Coffee House
Drop by Reverie Coffee House in Brunswick for a donation-based tarot reading with Maya!
Yoga Flow: Aparigraha
Join Maya Rook for an open-level Yoga Flow every Saturday morning!
Imbolc Ritual with Persephone: Emerging from the Dark
Join ordained priestess and sibyl Devanna Wolf for an evening honoring the goddess Persephone as she begins her ascent from the wintry Underworld to the warming Earth of spring.
Deep Winter Rest: Release into Relaxation
Embrace the peace and quietude of winter with this Restorative Yoga and Yoga Nidra (yogic sleep meditation) series curated to be in harmony with the season. Let’s slow down, soften, and invite the body to relax and rest deeply.
Community Meditation
Take your seat at Community Meditation every first and third Tuesday! Expect to receive instruction in shamatha (peaceful abiding) meditation, practice together in silence, and then engage in group discussion on a theme related to mindfulness. Suitable for beginners or experienced meditators.
Yoga Basics: Warrior Wisdom
Join Erica for Yoga Basics: A Six-Week Journey to Build Your Foundation!
In a fun, supportive environment, we’ll break down key asanas (poses) to deepen your understanding of alignment, modifications, and safe form. This series is progressive, designed to build skills and confidence week by week, but each class is also a standalone session. Embrace your inner peaceful warrior and explore grounding, strength, and balance as we build the foundations of warrior poses from the bottom up.
Tarot Readings at Reverie Coffee House
Drop by Reverie Coffee House in Brunswick for a donation-based tarot reading with Maya!
The Craft Circle
Join us for The Craft Circle, a monthly gathering led by Tegan Rand where you can craft to your heart's content while connecting with community.
Deep Winter Rest: Seek Stillness and Peace
Embrace the peace and quietude of winter with this Restorative Yoga and Yoga Nidra (yogic sleep meditation) series curated to be in harmony with the season. Let’s slow down, soften, and invite the body to relax and rest deeply.
Leo Full Moon Gathering
Let’s gather together for the February Full Moon in Leo! Expect to engage with meditation, ritual, and somatic practices, as well as group discussion, tarot, and astrology.
Yoga Basics: Balance and Open Hips
Join Erica for Yoga Basics: A Six-Week Journey to Build Your Foundation!
In a fun, supportive environment, we’ll break down key asanas (poses) to deepen your understanding of alignment, modifications, and safe form. This series is progressive, designed to build skills and confidence week by week, but each class is also a standalone session. Conclude the series with poses that balance and release. Throughout the class, we will explore the elements of stability, flexibility, and freedom that come with balancing poses and hip-openers.
Tarot Readings at Reverie Coffee House
Drop by Reverie Coffee House in Brunswick for a donation-based tarot reading with Maya!
Deep Winter Rest: Nurture Your Inner Light
Embrace the peace and quietude of winter with this Restorative Yoga and Yoga Nidra (yogic sleep meditation) series curated to be in harmony with the season. Let’s slow down, soften, and invite the body to relax and rest deeply.
Community Meditation
Take your seat at Community Meditation every first and third Tuesday! Expect to receive instruction in shamatha (peaceful abiding) meditation, practice together in silence, and then engage in group discussion on a theme related to mindfulness. Suitable for beginners or experienced meditators.
Astrology Salon: Pisces
Join Void on a journey through the stars, unlocking the lessons and magic of each zodiac archetype season by season. This month we’ll focus on Pisces!
Watery Pisces is imaginative, inspirational, compassionate, emotionally sensitive, creative, and adaptable. Its strength is in its inherent sense of spirituality, sometimes finding fantasy more tangible than reality. It’s the archetype that teaches us how to keep hope alive amidst adversity, believe in our dreams, and seek comfort in the mystery.
Yoga Flow: Tapas & Svadhyaya
Join Maya Rook for an open-level Yoga Flow every Saturday morning!
Deep Winter Rest: Open Your Heart
Embrace the peace and quietude of winter with this Restorative Yoga and Yoga Nidra (yogic sleep meditation) series curated to be in harmony with the season. Let’s slow down, soften, and invite the body to relax and rest deeply.
Restorative Yoga & Sound Bath
Join us for a Restorative Yoga & Sound Bath session every fourth Tuesday. Maya will lead participants through restorative yoga poses and a yoga nidra (yogic sleep) meditation while Void offers sound through the frequencies of singing bowls, vocals, and more.
Closing Ritual and Celebration
Join us to say goodbye to 98 Front Street with a special closing ritual and celebration!
Tarot Readings at Reverie Coffee House
Drop by Reverie Coffee House in Brunswick for a donation-based tarot reading with Maya!
Beltane Ritual with Freyja: Loving the Self
Join ordained priestess and sibyl Devanna Wolf at the Fogwood Gardens Yurt in Arrowsic for a joyful celebration of spring, beauty, and pleasure with Norse goddess Freyja.
Lughnasa Ritual with Hestia: Embracing the Bounty
Join ordained priestess and sibyl Devanna Wolf for an enriching evening celebrating the bounty of the harvest and the comforts of home with Hestia, goddess of the Hearth.
Samhain Ritual with Hekate: Entering the Liminal
Join ordained priestess and sibyl Devanna Wolf for for a mystical evening with Hekate, goddess of thresholds, witchcraft, and magic as we enter into the darkening season.
Deep Winter Rest: A Restorative Yoga & Yoga Nidra Series
Embrace the peace and quietude of winter with this Restorative Yoga and Yoga Nidra (yogic sleep meditation) series curated to be in harmony with the season. Let’s slow down, soften, and invite the body to relax and rest deeply.
Astrology Salon: Aquarius
Join Void on a journey through the stars, unlocking the lessons and magic of each zodiac archetype season by season. This month we’ll focus on Aquarius!
Airy Aquarius is rebellious, assertive, truthful, innovative, and values the unconventional, preferring to stay on the fringes. It always seems to have a cause, and will fight diligently for what it believes in. It’s the archetype that teaches us to stick to our principles, that friends are family, and that “owning your weird” is a superpower.
Yoga Basics: Right Angles and Straight Lines
Join Erica for Yoga Basics: A Six-Week Journey to Build Your Foundation!
In a fun, supportive environment, we’ll break down key asanas (poses) to deepen your understanding of alignment, modifications, and safe form. This series is progressive, designed to build skills and confidence week by week, but each class is also a standalone session. Explore the art of right angles and create clean lines. This week focuses on building strength and flexibility while refining your alignment to prevent strain and support long-term practice.
Tarot Salon: The Threes
Tarot Salon is a monthly gathering led by Halcyone Wise and Maya Rook every second Tuesday to discuss themes of the Tarot and practice intuitive reading.
Full Moon Gathering: Coming Home
Let’s gather together for the January Full Moon in Cancer! Expect to engage with meditation, ritual, and somatic practices, as well as group discussion, tarot, and astrology.
Tarot Readings at Reverie Coffee House
Drop by Reverie Coffee House in Brunswick for a donation-based tarot reading with Maya! As we enter 2025, she’ll be offering special readings to help us look ahead to the new calendar year.
Yoga Basics: Standing Strong
Join Erica for Yoga Basics: A Six-Week Journey to Build Your Foundation!
In a fun, supportive environment, we’ll break down key asanas (poses) to deepen your understanding of alignment, modifications, and safe form. This series is progressive, designed to build skills and confidence week by week, but each class is also a standalone session. Start your journey with the basics of standing postures. Learn how these foundational shapes influence balance and alignment across your practice.
Community Meditation
Take your seat at Community Meditation every first and third Tuesday! Expect to receive instruction in shamatha (peaceful abiding) meditation, practice together in silence, and then engage in group discussion on a theme related to mindfulness. Suitable for beginners or experienced meditators.
Emotional Alchemy: Protective Magic for Uncertain Times
Join The West End Witch in an esoteric exploration of creating safety and nourishing the nervous system for the New Year.
The Craft Circle
Join us for The Craft Circle, a monthly gathering led by Tegan Rand where you can craft to your heart's content while connecting with community.
Happy New Year Tarot Readings at Reverie Coffee House
Drop by Reverie Coffee House in Brunswick for a donation-based tarot reading with Maya! As we enter 2025, she’ll be offering special readings to help us look ahead to the new calendar year.
New Moon Gathering: Hibernation & Hygge
Let’s gather together for the last New Moon of the calendar year and embrace hygge, a Danish word meaning “a quality of coziness and comfortable conviviality that engenders a feeling of contentment or well-being” that can help get us through the long winter day’s ahead.
Winter Solstice Yoga Flow
Join Maya Rook for an open-level Yoga Flow every Saturday morning!
Winter Solstice Celebration
Let’s honor the Winter Solstice and celebrate with community! Expect to connect with others, engage in meditation and ritual to acknowledge the darkest and longest night of the year, enjoy a sound bath, have tasty food and beverages, and play with tarot. Feel free to bring a dish to share.
Community Meditation
Join Maya for a Community Meditation session every first and third Tuesday. Maya will lead participants in a shamatha (peaceful abiding) meditation practice together, followed by a short teaching and group discussion on a different theme related to mindfulness. Suitable for beginners or experienced meditators.
Gemini Full Moon Gathering: Reflect & Release
Let’s gather together for the December Full Moon in Gemini!
Nutcracker Yoga Flow
Join Maya Rook for an open-level Yoga Flow every Saturday morning!
Tarot Readings at Reverie Coffee House
Drop by Reverie Coffee House in Brunswick for a donation-based tarot reading with Maya Rook!
Tarot Salon: The Twos
Tarot Salon is a monthly gathering led by Halcyone Wise and Maya Rook every second Tuesday to discuss themes of the Tarot and practice intuitive reading.
Settle into Stillness: A Yin Yoga Series
Carve out space for yourself to settle into stillness amidst the busyness of the fall and winter holiday season. Join Maya as she guides you through Yin Yoga practices specially curated for this time of year.
This final class will deepen our focus on Water, associated with the season of winter and the Kidney and Urinary Bladder meridians. Water invites us to connect with adaptability, depth, and flowing towards stillness.