Join Devanna Wolf of The Wild Empress for an enriching evening celebrating the bounty of the harvest and the comforts of home with Hestia, goddess of the Hearth. Hestia was the primary household goddess of the ancient Greeks, and a portion of every sacrifice was always offered to her first.
During this special Lughnasa Ritual, we will offer gratitudes for our blessings and create an ornamental talisman from salt dough for prosperity to keep in our kitchen hearths.
Spiced golden milk and fresh baked bread will be served.
Sliding Scale $20-40. Please sign up in advance here.
Meet Your Host:
Devanna Wolf is an ordained priestess and sibyl in the Mt Shasta Goddess Temple, and has dedicated her gifts and service as an artist, diviner, and sacred creatrix to the Goddess in her many forms. Devanna designed and self-published The Incidental Tarot and A Curious Oracle decks, and has studied and practiced several different traditions of earth-based magic for over 3 decades. She leads exciting classes in a number of esoteric subjects including folklore, magic, history, goddess culture, and hands-on DIY magical crafting.