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Yoga Flow: Ahimsa

Join Maya Rook for an open-level Yoga Flow every Saturday morning!

Ease into your weekend with a vibrant yet accessible yoga practice where we find union between breath and movement. Expect to ground in meditation, warm up with gentle movement, explore standing and balances poses, slow things down, and find stillness in an extended savasana. This class is suitable for all levels of experiences and Maya will offer variations so you can choose what feels best in your body. The studio is equipped with yoga mats and props for students to use.

Drawing inspiration from the Eight Limbs of Yoga, this class will work with a theme of Ahimsa (non-violence).

$18 per class


$150 for a ten-class pass that can be used for any weekly yoga classes.

Space is limited. Please register in advance here.

Meet Your Teacher:

Maya Rook is a certified yoga instructor with nearly 30 years of meditation experience. She received her 200-RYT in 2019 and completed additional certifications in Yin Yoga and Yoga with Seniors. Maya’s Yoga Flow classes are also inspired by experience with dance, Qi Gong, Essentrics/Classical Stretch, and free form movement. Participants have described her approach to Yoga Flow as meditative, magical, and easeful.

Maya is passionate about making meditation and yoga practices accessible to everyone, breaking through misconceptions about mindfulness, and helping people connect with the present moment through breath and movement. Her yoga and meditation classes are also supported by her work as a cultural historian and college educator.

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