Join Devanna Wolf of The Wild Empress for Goddess Salon, an open monthly circle exploring the goddess and her many faces.
Each month we will look at the history, mythology, symbols and magic of a specific goddess, and explore the ways her stories can activate and inspire us. We will delve into ideas for making offerings and creating simple ceremonies that can bring the goddesses into our own lives.
Goddess devotion is a roadmap to cultivating a life of magic, wonder, and wisdom. Forging a conscious relationship with the Goddess picks up a gossamer thread of our lost lineage that enriches, instructs, and helps us navigate the world, weaving it through the joys and challenges of our modern life. Through Her stories the Goddess teaches us about Beauty, Healing, Sovereignty, Compassion, Justice, and Love. She can guide us to empower ourselves, liberate our communities, and transform the patriarchal paradigms of oppression and violence that plague our world.
Goddess Salon is a gender-inclusive class. All are welcome.
JULY 13th, 3-5 pm:
Artemis: Greek Goddess of the Wild
Archetype: Huntress and Mistress of Animals
Symbols: Crescent Moon, Bow and Arrows, Deer, Dogs, Torches
Sliding Scale $25-40 via cash, Venmo @maya-rook, or card when you pay online in advance. Please reserve your spot here.
Meet Your Teacher:
Devanna Wolf is an ordained priestess and sibyl in the Mt Shasta Goddess Temple, and has dedicated her gifts and service as an artist, diviner, and sacred creatrix to the Goddess in her many forms. Devanna designed and self-published The Incidental Tarot and A Curious Oracle decks, and has studied and practiced several different traditions of earth-based magic for over 3 decades. She leads exciting classes in a number of esoteric subjects including folklore, magic, history, goddess culture, and hands-on DIY magical crafting.